
About Us

Why shop with UtilityGenius™ Commercial Storefront?

Encentiv Energy makes energy efficiency programs accessible, affordable, and actionable by helping utilities connect with more of their commercial customers. Since 2009, Encentiv has worked to improve how the market accesses utility programs. This began with software solutions that connected manufacturer products to every rebate program across the country, simplifying the rebate process and accelerating the sale of high-efficiency products. 

In an effort to make rebate information more accessible, we launched UtilityGenius, a free public energy efficiency platform, in late 2021. Our mission is to provide quick and easy access to utility rebate estimates and program information alongside qualified products to educate customers on product efficiency and cost savings through utility rebates. Since its public launch, UtilityGenius has become a one-stop resource for commercial customers just like you and is now well-recognized, with a widget on the ENERGY STAR® Energy Efficiency Rebates for Commercial Buildings page and other similar energy efficiency regional organizations and contractor sites. 


Rebates & ecommerce are not mutually exclusive

As a Georgia Power Commercial Energy Efficiency Program Instant Rebates Distributor, we are looking to simplify your rebate journey even further with the UtilityGenius™ Commercial Storefront. In this online storefront, commercial customers in the Georgia Power territory can purchase LED lighting products from trusted suppliers with rebates applied to the order total in the cart, with no application necessary.

The UtilityGenius™ Commercial Storefront is only open to Georgia Power commercial customers. Your account will be verified right after checkout. Please have the account number and address information ready before purchase.

Product costs displayed on the UtilityGenius™ Commercial Storefront have been determined by the supplier. Rebate amounts displayed on the site are based on the Georgia Power Commercial Energy Efficiency Instant Rebates Program. 

Shipping costs and discounts have been set by the supplier. Products will ship from the selected supplier(s), please contact them for any shipping questions.

Projects may be subject to post-inspection requiring a copy of the customer invoice and access to the installation site. Refusal to cooperate with these requests will result in a failed inspection. If it is determined during post-inspection that you do not qualify for the rebate, the credit card used for payment will be charged for the remainder of your order (any ineligible rebate sums).